Journal Articles in English
Books and Reports in English
Articles in Books and Reports
Norwegian Books and Reports
Norwegian Articles in Books and Reports
Norwegian Compendiums and Course Material
Norwegian Articles in Journals and Books
Publications in Danish
Publications Translated to Portuguese
Publications Translated to Spanish
Publications Translated to Italian
Publications Translated to German
Publications Translated to Estonian
Many of my printed publications are listed in the literature database at the International Centre for Distance Learning (ICDL), at the Open University, UK.
Journal Articles in English
Paulsen, M. F. 2009. Resting in e-learning peace. IJNVO Vol 6, No 5.Dalsgaard, C. and M. F. Paulsen 2009, Transparency in Cooperative Online Education, IRRODL Vol 10, No 3.
Paulsen, M. F. 2009. Successful E-learning in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. EURODL, 2009/I
Paulsen, M.F. and Rekkedal, T. 2008. The Role of Mobile Learning in Denmark. In: Carvalho, J. et al. The Role of Mobile Learning in Europe Today. pp. 50-58.
Paulsen, M. F. 2008. Cooperative Online Education., Vol. 4, No. 2. I made this video to present the article.
Slaatto, T. and M. F. Paulsen. 2006. Learning partner - opportunities for cooperation in distance learning. elearningeuropa.
Paulsen, M. F. 2004. Book Review - Theory and Practice of Online Learning. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning. Volume 5, Number 3.
Paulsen, M. F. 2004. Online Education. Public Services Review: Nordic States.
Paulsen, M. F. 2004. E-learning in the North for the Online Educa newsletter.
Paulsen, M. F. 2004. Cooperative Freedom: An Online Education Theory. SVERD's jubileumsskrift, October 2004.
Paulsen, M. F. 2003. Experiences with Learning Management Systems in 113 European Institutions. Educational Technology & Society. 6(4):134-148.
Paulsen, M. F. 2003. Globalskolen: A Global Primary School. Skoleavisa Globalnytt. March 20, 2003.
Paulsen, M. F. 2002. Online Education Systems in Scandinavian and Australian Universities: A Comparative Study. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning. Volume 3, Number 2.
Paulsen, M. F. 2002. An Analysis of Online Education and Learning Management Systems in the Nordic Countries.Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, Volume V, Number III, Fall 2002.
Paulsen, M. F. 2002. The Swedish Problems. A statement presented in the final panel discussion at Netlearning2002 in Ronneby. Per Distans 2002(4):19.
Paulsen, M. F. and T. Rekkedal. 2001. The NKI Internet College: A Review of 15 Years Delivery of 10,000 Online Courses. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning. Volume 1, Number 2.
Paulsen. M. F. 2001. Strategic Recommendations to Online Educators and Policy Makers. Intervir, Vol2. No1.
Paulsen, M. F. 2000. The Online Teaching System. Istruzione a distanza e formazione in rete. Anno XII, 16, Aprile 2000: 22-38. Italia.
Paulsen, M. F. 2000. Letter to the Editor. Newsweek, June 5, 2000.
Paulsen, M. F. 1998. The Online Teaching System. DEOSNEWS 8(7).
Paulsen, M. F. 1998. The Internet and WorldWide Web - evaluation and experiences: pedagogical, economical and organisational issues. Epistolodidaktika, the European Journal of Distance Education, 1998(1):34-41.
Paulsen, M. F. 1994. NORWAVES and NORWEAVE: Two free E-mail services for friends of Norway. The Norseman, 1994(6):9.
Paulsen, M. F. 1993. DEOS. The Distance Education Online Symposium. IT & Utdanning, 1(1):32-33.
Paulsen, M. F. 1993. The Hexagon of Cooperative Freedom: A Distance Education Theory Attuned to Computer Conferencing. DEOSNEWS 3(2).
Paulsen, M. F., T. Rekkedal and M. Søby. 1992. Distance Education in Norway. DEOSNEWS 2(19)
Paulsen, M. F. 1992. The NKI Electronic College: Five years of computer conferencing in distance education. DEOSNEWS 2(9).
Paulsen, M. F. 1992. Innovative uses of computer conferencing. Telecommunications in Education News, 3(3):4-5.
Paulsen, M. F. 1992. Recommended reading. CAUSE/EFFECT, 15(2):53-55.
Paulsen, M. F. 1991. The ICDL Database for Distance education. The American Journal of Distance Education, 5(2):69-72.
Paulsen, M. F. 1991. The Electronic University: Computer Conferencing in Mass Education. DEOSNEWS 1(20).
Paulsen, M. F. 1991. Innovative Computer Conferencing Courses. DEOSNEWS 1(14).
Paulsen, M. F. 1991. Computer-Mediated Communication and Distance Education around the World. DEOSNEWS 1(10).
Paulsen, M. F. 1991. Bibliography on Computer Mediated Communication in Distance Education. DEOSNEWS 1(6).
Paulsen, M. F. 1991. The ICDL Database for Distance Education. DEOSNEWS 1(5).
Paulsen, M. F. 1991. GO MEEC! A Goal Oriented Method for Establishment of an Electronic College. DEOSNEWS 1(2).
Paulsen, M. F. and P. W. Pinder. 1990. Workshop Report. Research in Distance Education: Setting a Global Agenda for the Nineties. The American Journal of Distance Education, 4(3):83-84.
Rekkedal, T. and M. F. Paulsen. 1989. Computer conferencing in distance education: Status and trends. European Journal of Education, 24(1):61-72.
Paulsen, M. F. and T. Rekkedal. 1989. Experiences with the EKKO computer-conferencing system at NKI. Epistolodidaktika, the European Journal of Distance Education, 1989(1):66-76.
Paulsen, M. F. 1987/1988. In search of a virtual school. T.H.E. Journal, (Dec./Jan.):71-76.
Books and Reports in English
Paulsen, M. F. (Ed.) 2007. Megaproviders of e-learning in Europe. Bekkestua, NKI. (209 pages) Paulsen, M. F. and V. Vieira (Eds.) 2006. State of the Art Report: E-learning Quality in European SMEs - an Analysis of E-learning Experiences in European Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. Bekkestua, NKI. (161 pages, pdf-format) Paulsen, M. F. 2003. Online Education and Learning Management Systems. Global E-learning in a Scandinavian Perspective. Bekkestua: NKI Forlaget. Paulsen, M. F. 2003. E-learning - The State of the Art. Bekkestua: NKI. Paulsen, M. F. and T. Fagerberg. 2003. Student Support Systems for Online Education. Bekkestua: NKI. Paulsen et al. 2002. Web-Education Systems in Europe. Zentrales Institut für Fernstudienforschung, FernUniversität, Hagen. Pages: 166. Paulsen, M. F. 2000. Online Education, An International Analysis of Web-based Education and Strategic Recommendations for Decision Makers, NKI. Pages: 137. Paulsen, M. F. 1998. Teaching Techniques for Computer-mediated Communication, Ann Arbor, Mi, UMI Dissertation Services. Pages: 297. Rekkedal, T. and M. F. Paulsen. 1997. The Third Generation NKI Electronic College - A Survey on Student Experiences and Attitudes Oslo: NKI. Paulsen, M. F. 1997. Teaching Methods and Techniques for Computer-Mediated Communication Oslo: NKI. Paulsen, M. F. 1995. The Online Report on Pedagogical Techniques for Computer-mediated Communication Oslo: NKI. Pages: 55. Paulsen, M. F. 1992. From Bulletin Boards to Electronic Universities: Distance Education, Computer-mediated Communication, and Online Education. 1992. University Park, Pennsylvania: The American Center for the Study of Distance Education. Pages: 67. Paulsen, M. F. and T. Rekkedal. 1990. The Electronic College: Selected Articles from the EKKO project. Bekkestua, Norway: NKI Forlaget. Pages: 131. Bergsmark, S., M. F. Paulsen, C. Lied, and U. Motzfelt. 1981. DIM 2001 CPU Module: OEM User's Manual. Oslo: Mycron. pages: 70. |
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Articles in Books and Reports
Paulsen, M. F. 2009. Tools and Instruments Supporting
Cooperative Freedom in Virtual Learning Environments. In Bernath, U.
Bernath, U., Szücs, A., Tait, A., and Vidal, M. (Eds.). Distance and E-learning in Transition - Learning Innovation, Technology and Social Challenges. Wiley.
Abstract: Adult students
often seek individual flexibility and freedom. At the same time, many
need or prefer group collaboration and social unity. These aims are
difficult to combine. There is a tension between the urge for individual
independence and the necessity to contribute in a collective learning
community. Thus, cooperative learning seeks to develop virtual learning
environments that allow students to have optimal individual freedom
within online learning communities. The pedagogical and administrative
challenges with regard to accommodating both individual freedom and
cooperation are explained in the author's Theory of Cooperative Freedom
[PAU 03] and made more specific in this paper. It shows that cooperative
learning can be achieved through a set of instruments or means. The
paper presents some of these means. To illustrate this with practical
examples, the paper presents NKI Distance Education's visions and
experiences with cooperative learning.
Abstract: This chapter presents an
analysis of 26 European megaproviders of e-learning which had more than
100 courses or 5000 course enrolments in 2005. The focus is on distance
education provision, not on e-learning for on-campus students. Among the
megaproviders, which represent eleven countries, there are 8 distance
education institutions, 13 universities and university consortia, and 5
corporate training providers. Five institutions started e-learning in
the eighties, ten in the nineties and eleven after the turn of the
century. The largest provider, Learn Direct, claimed to have 400 000
course enrolments in 2005. However, only six of the 26 reported to have
more than 20 000 course enrolments. Among these six top ranked
institutions there are none universities, only corporate training
providers and distance education institutions. The chapter concludes
with the 27 recommendations extracted from the analyses to help
institutions obtain robustness and sustainability in online education.
Paulsen, M. F. 2007. COGs, CLIPs and Other Instruments to Support Cooperative Learning in Virtual Learning Environments. In Bernath, U., Sangrá, A. (Eds.) Research and E-Learning: Selected Papers from the 4th EDEN Research Workshop in Castelldefels, Spain 25-28 October, 2006. Volume 13 of the ASF Series on Distance education.
Paulsen, M. F., T. Fagerberg and T. Rekkedal 2003. Student support systems for online education available in NKI's integrated systems for internet based e-learning. In Rekkedal, T. et al. 2003. The role of student support services in e-learning. Page 88-98. Zentrales Institut für Fernstudienforschung, FernUniversität, Hagen.
Paulsen, M. F. 1995. Moderating Educational Computer Conferencing. In Computer Mediated Communication and the Online Classroom, Volume III: Distance Learning, eds. Z. L. Berge and M. P. Collins. Cresskill, New Jersey: Hampton Press.
Paulsen, M. F. 1994. Some pedagogical techniques for computer-mediated communication. In Collaborative Dialogue Technologies in Distance Learning, eds. M. F. Verdejo and S. A. Cerri. Berlin: Springer Verlag.
Paulsen, M. F., B. Barros, P. Busch, B. Compostela, and M. Quesnel. 1994. A pedagogical framework for CMC programs. In Collaborative Dialogue Technologies in Distance Learning, eds. M. F. Verdejo and S. A. Cerri. Berlin: Springer Verlag.
Paulsen, M. F. 1992. A goal-oriented method for establishing an electronic college. In Impact of Informatics on the Organization of Education, eds B. Samways and T.J. van Weert, 113- 118. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Paulsen, M. F. 1990. EKKO: experiences. In Media and technology in European distance education, ed. A. W. Bates, 235-39. Milton Keynes: Open University for the EADTU.
Paulsen, M. F. 1990. The Seven Entities of Computer Conferencing. An Electronic College Approach. I Datakonferanser og Fjernundervisning, ed. Paulsen, M. F. and M. Søby. Oslo: The Norwegian Centre for Distance Education.:125-138.
Mine norske bøker og rapporter |
Artikler i bøker og rapporterPaulsen, M. F. 2003. Europeiske synspunkter på LMS-systemer. I Dialog og nærhet - IKT og undervisning, red. Nordkvelle, Y. T., Haugsbakk, G., og Fritze, Y.(red.). Oslo: Høyskoleforlaget.Paulsen, M. F. 2001. NKI Nettskolen - Refleksjoner etter 10 000 kursinnmeldinger og 15 års fjernundervisning på nettet. I Læring gjennom økonomi, system og prosjekt, red. P. Gottschalk og Anne Welle-Strand. Oslo: NKI Forlaget. 366-376. Paulsen, M. F 1996. Web-editorer og andre verktøy. I Bli sett på Internett, red. O. Rudejord. 79-91. Oslo: TI-forlaget. Paulsen, M. F. og M. Søby, 1991. Datamaskinbasert kommunikasjon. I Fjernundervisning - Læring Uten Grenser, red. Rekkedal, T. et al., 150-156. Bekkestua: NKI Forlaget. Paulsen, M. F. 1990. Norsk åpent universitet: Et scenario. I Datakonferanser og Fjernundervisning, red. Paulsen, M. F. og M. Søby. Oslo: The Norwegian Centre for Distance Education.:46-47. Paulsen, M. F. 1990. Konferansesystemet EKKO. I Datakonferanser og Fjernundervisning, red. Paulsen, M. F. og M. Søby. Oslo: The Norwegian Centre for Distance Education.:146-149. Kompendier og kursmateriellPaulsen, M. F. 1996. Internett og Uninett i praksis. Studieveiledning, kommentarer og oppgaver. Bekkestua: NKI Fjernundervisningen.Paulsen, M. F. 1995. English on the Internet. Studieveiledning, kommentarer og oppgaver. Bekkestua. NKI Fjernundervisningen. Paulsen, M. F. 1995. Tekstbehandling, regneark og databaseverktøy. Studieveiledning, kommentarer og databaseverktøy. Bekkestua: NKI Fjernundervisningen. Paulsen, M. F. 1995. World Wide Web-presentasjoner. Studieveiledning, kommentarer og oppgaver. Bekkestua: NKI Fjernundervisningen. Paulsen, M. F. 1986. Introduksjonshefte til Datahøgskolens Mikromaskiner. Oslo: Datahøgskolen. sider: 24. Paulsen, M. F. 1985. Programvare for Mikromaskiner. Oslo: Datahøgskolen. sider: 40. Paulsen, M. F. 1982. Mikrodatamaskinen: Praktiske Øvelser med 6502 assembler. Stabekk: NKI-forlaget. |




Klikk her for å få en liste over mine bøker og rapporter som er tilghengelige via BIBSYS-bibliotekene. Artikler i tidsskrifter og bøkerMoe, C. R., W. Halvorsen og M. F. Paulsen 2009. Tusen NKI-studenter viser ansikt. I Haugen H. Læringsmiljø på nett - erfaringer fra forsøk og prosjekt. Trondheim: Tapir Akademisk Forlag. Paulsen, M. F. 2004. Utfordringer i dansk nettbasert utdanning. Artikkel i Insights@CBS, forskningsbulletin ved Copenhagen Business School. Paulsen, M. F. 2003. Erfaringer fra EU-prosjekter. Forskning nr 2-2003. Paulsen, M. F. 2001. 10 gode råd om e-læring. Personal nr. 7, 2001. Paulsen, M. F. 2000. Utdanningen i IT for lærere ved norske høgskoler. Norsk skoleblad, Nr. 5, 2000. Paulsen, M. F. 2000. Internett er fjernundervisningens fremtid. Økonomiske Vinterleker 2000: 30-31. Paulsen, M. F. 1999. Nettskoler - det nye elektroniske universitet. Kronikk i Aftenposten (05.01.99) Paulsen, M. F. 1999. Studiemuligheter på nettet. Kronikk i Computerworld Norge (15.03.99) Paulsen, M. F. 1999. Nettpedagogikk - undervisning på internett, Kronikk i Computerworld Norge (17.03.99) Paulsen, M. F. 1999. Nettlærerens mareritt. Computerworld Norge (20.10.99) Rekkedal, P. og Paulsen, M. F. 1999. Voksne kan og vil lære på internett. Computerworld Norge (14.10.99) Paulsen, M. F. 1998. Nettskoler. CV nr. 2 1998. Paulsen, M. F. 1997. Skolene på Internett. Internettguiden nr. 7, 1997. Paulsen, M. F. 1994. DEOS - The Distance Education Online Symposium. Nytt om fjernundervisning. Informasjon fra SEFU, 1994(3):3. Paulsen, M. F. 1994. ANDREA - informasjon om fjernundervisning i Europa. Nytt om fjernundervisning. Informasjon fra SEFU, 1994(3):3. Paulsen, M. F. 1993. DEOS - The Distance Education Online Symposium. Uninytt nr. 1 1993. Paulsen, M. F. 1989. Det elektroniske universitet kjenner ingen grenser. Datatid, 11(1):40-42. Paulsen, M. F. 1989. Den elektroniske høgskolen. Datatid, 11(2):60-67. Johnsen, B. and M. F. Paulsen. 1989. Datateknologi i fjernundervisning - voksenopplæring uten grenser. Nytt om Data i Skolen, 1989(1):3-7. Paulsen, M. F. 1989. Elektronisk fjernundervisning. DND-nytt, 5(5):24-25. Paulsen, M. F. 1988. Deltidsstudier i New York - via PC. PC World Norge, 1988(4):62-64. Paulsen, M. F. 1987. Datahøgskolens konferansesystem. PC World Norge, 1987(4):32-34. Paulsen, M. F. 1987. Virtuelle skoler. PC World Norge, 1987(6):30-32. Paulsen, M. F. 1987. KILDEN - et konferansesystem for DND? DND-Nytt, 3(5):16-17. Paulsen, M. F. 1987. KILDEN: Et scenario om konferansesystemer. DATA 1987(3):62-63. Paulsen, M. F. 1987. På leting etter en virtuell skole. DATA-Norge 3(5):38-48. Paulsen, M. F. 1986. Hos IBM i Boca Raton. PC mikrodata, 1986(10):42-44. Paulsen, M. F. 1985. Edb-opplæring i Norge. Norsk Programvare Index 1985(2):37-38. Paulsen, M. F. 1985. Tall blir bilder. PC World Norge, 1985(1):35-37. |
Publikasjoner på dansk
Paulsen, M. F. 2002. Nettbasert utdanning - erfaringer og visjoner. Gyldendal. Danmark.Paulsen, M. F. 1997. Elektronisk Kommunikation (CMC) Pædagogik og Metoder. Danmark
Publications translated to Portuguese
CECOA (Edição) 2007. Relatório do Estado da Arte: Qualidade do E-learning para PMEs Europeias - uma Análise de Experiências de E-Learning em Pequenas e Médias Empresas. Lisboa, CECOA. (81 pages, pdf-format)Paulsen, M. F. 2006. COGs, CLIPs e outros instrumentos de apoio à aprendizagem cooperativa realizada em ambientes virtuais.
Paulsen, M. F. 2002. Sistemas de Educação Online: Discussão de Termos. In Keegan, D.; Dias, A.; Baptista, C.; Olsen, G.; Fritsch, H.; Föllmer, H.; Micincova, M.; Paulsen, M. F.; Dias, P. & Pimenta, P. E-learning. O Papel dos Sistemas de Gestão da Aprendizagem na Europa. Inofor, Portugal.
Paulsen, M. F. 2002. Sistemas de Gestão da Aprendizagem nos Países Nórdicos. In Keegan, D.; Dias, A.; Baptista, C.; Olsen, G.; Fritsch, H.; Föllmer, H.; Micincova, M.; Paulsen, M. F.; Dias, P. & Pimenta, P. E-learning. O Papel dos Sistemas de Gestão da Aprendizagem na Europa. Inofor, Portugal.
Paulsen, M. F. 2002. Experiências Europeias com Sistemas de Gestão da Aprendizagem. In Keegan, D.; Dias, A.; Baptista, C.; Olsen, G.; Fritsch, H.; Föllmer, H.; Micincova, M.; Paulsen, M. F.; Dias, P. & Pimenta, P. E-learning. O Papel dos Sistemas de Gestão da Aprendizagem na Europa. Inofor, Portugal.
Paulsen, M. F. 2001. Recomendações estratégicas a Formadores Online e a Decisores Políticos. Intervir, 12-2001. Portugal.
Publications translated to Spanish
Learning Review España No 5, 2009. La educación online exitosa debe ser robusta y sustentable. The interview is also available in English.Paulsen, M. F. 2003. Un Análisis Internacional de la Educación Basada en la Web y Recomendaciones Estratégicas para el Desarrollo Futoro de la Enseñanza en Línea. In Barajas, M. (Coor.) La Technología Educativa en la Enseñanza Superior: Entornos Virtuales de Aprendizaje. 203-208. Madrid: McGraw-Hill.
Publications translated to Italian
Paulsen, M. F. 2000. Il sistema di insegnamento in linea. Istruzione a distanza e formazione in rete. Anno XII, 16, Aprile 2000: 22-38. Italia.Publications translated to German
f-bb 2007. Eine Analyse von E-Learning in europäischen Klein- und Mittelbetrieben. Nürnberg, f-bb (28 pages, pdf-format)A transcribed abstract of my Online Report on Pedagogical Techniques for Computer-Mediated Communication is available in German.