My Online Journals

I'm regional editor for IRRODL (The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning) and EURODL (The European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning). I'm also on the Editorial Board of
DEOS: The Distance Education Online Symposium. I was the founding editor of DEOSNEWS, the first moderator of DEOS-L, and editor of 52 issues of DEOSNEWS. Today, DEOS is not only the oldest on-line source of information, ideas, and discussions on the subject of distance education but is consistently referred to as one of the most highly regarded, indeed probably the most highly regarded of such sources. Numbers alone do not tell the whole story, and it is impossible to say, from an analysis of "hits" just how many people read the various items on DEOS and DEOS-L, but there are in excess of 4600 subscribers in over 80 different countries. Recommended reading: The Continuing Evolution of DEOS Electronic Discussio Groups and their impact on Scholarly Communication.
Norwaves and Norweave, two international e-mail services for friends of Norway. You may also read the history of Norwaves.
ANDREA A Network for Distance Education Reporting from European Activities.


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